APA staff has provided talks for numerous professional and business audiences. Due to our extensive teaching backgrounds, we are  skilled in presenting on a wide range of topics in the area of behavioral health. Interested parties should contact our office at the link provided to discuss this service. In most cases, we are willing to provide seminars or presentations without fees.

Examples of recently provided topics include:


Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and its Neuropsychology

ADHD: Diagnosis and Treatment

Pitfalls of Neuropsychological Assessment

Depression and Brain Injury

Psychological Assessment in Disability Determination

The Determination of Malingering in Liability Claims

Family Therapy in Brain Injury Cases

Psychosomatic Disorders

Seminars and Speakers Programs



APA will provide links to current and trending topics in the field of psychology, psychological research, articles of interest and other perspective papers.


NFL Neuropsychological Concussion Evaluation


Working-age adults and Alcohol


Psychology enters the Criminal Justice Field


Understanding Depression Symptoms


Defense Base Act evaluations




Hot Topics

990 Hammond Drive, NE     | | |     Building 1, Suite 575    | | |    Atlanta, GA  30328    | | |    Telephone:  770-730-9930    | | |    Facsimile:  770-730-0998